ReactJS: Day 23 of 100
Added pagination and sorting and realized I need some better understanding of how to structure the API in express.js.
Added pagination and sorting and realized I need some better understanding of how to structure the API in express.js.
Added the first draft of a filter, for now just with two entries: which freezer and what type of product. (Though it made papa already very happy!)
Mostly finishing refactoring, adding a global storage thanks to Context and added some organisational structure to the project.
Back after quite a bit of a break. Well, not really, have lots of work on my companies React project to do. But what I count here is reading up on things, refactoring and starting to add a new design to my project.
I added the feature papa asked for the whole week: editing products. As I wanted to use the same form as add products AND after learning so much React stuff in the past two weeks through work, my fears came true: Next step refactoring!
I did a lot of React Training via tutorials in the past two weeks. (For and thanks to the company, best case scenario), however I don’t quite count that for the #100DaysOfCode. Now that I know a bit more about the basic setup, I started cleaning up my package.json and added some helpful plugins to my code editor.
Added a lot of details today, I am quite happy with myself. Main working point was making the “Add product Form” nicer, code and UX wise.
A few tweaks added to make it for one work on Mamas old laptop and also to make it more user friendly.
I wanted to start with layouts, but couldn’t wrap my head around that today. Complicated! So the delete button implementation it was …
This is it for the MVP! Tomorrow I am going to try it out and see what improvements I want to add first.